The Start
From the tender age of three, I began my active lifestyle through the sport of tennis. I attended annual summer camps until I grew a real love for the sport, and began attending after school classes. As I got older, I got involved in any and every sport made available to me; from track and field to volleyball, to javelin and discus. I was thin at around 100-110 lbs up until the age of sixteen, but very athletic.
During my peak years of athleticism, I travelled to represent my island (Anguilla) regionally for football and volleyball, and both regionally and internationally for tennis. My most proud moment was being chosen to travel to India as a competitor in the Commonwealth Youth Games.
Upon graduating from high school and sixth form, I took up less of a role as an athlete, and began coaching tennis. This drastic change in physical activity was accompanied by a very toxic point of my life where I ate any junk food in sight at unsociable hours, drank a lot of alcohol, and partied quite a bit. Over the course of that toxic period, I gained some weight and was at my heaviest ever, at around 200 lbs (91kg/14.3 stone).
The Turning Point
In 2011 it was brought to my attention as to how much I let myself go. People started to comment on how much weight I gained, my clothes wouldn’t fit, and the gossiping and teasing began, which had a knock on my self confidence.
My father and I were having a heart to heart in 2013 while reviewing my sister’s wedding pictures, and he expressed his concern and disappointment in how I’d let my circumstances affect my physical appearance. With my father being my heartbeat, I took his advice seriously and began my lifestyle shift.
When Fitness Became My Passion
Throughout the process of transforming my own body, I was constantly approached by many females at the gym on how I learned how to lose weight as they noticed the change. I would give vague advice until one day an opportunity arose in university to undergo a Fitness Instructor course which I done to expand my knowledge. The course was even more appealing to me as I already grew a passion for physiology, anatomy and rehabilitation whilst completing my Sports Therapy degree.
After about a year and a half of helping friends and family transform their bodies, I grew a love for the profession. Not only do I enjoy helping women become more comfortable in their skin, but by putting aside the fear that lifting weights could possibly make me look ‘manly’, I grew a healthy obsession for building my body athletically.
The Direction
I have taken up the lifestyle of lifting heavy weights, incorporating more High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts, and also increasing my cardio to levels relevant for my goals.
My goals are to take part in a fitness competition in the near future, and to also be a sponsored model for Nike sportswear, whilst inspiring women globally to start and stick to their fitness journey.
Through the use of my YouTube channel, other social media platforms, and upcoming athletic clothing line, I intend to use MussBeFit to inspire, motivate, and encourage women of all ages, backgrounds and professions, that no matter what their fitness goals are- THEY ARE ALL POSSIBLE!